Saturday, July 4, 2020

How Calypso Borealis and I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud view nature Essaypilot

Author and Poet, May Angelou, reminds us how important it is to have joyful memories in your life when she said, Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away. People spend their whole lives making memories and trying to capture the perfect moments that they will remember their whole lives. They may search and search to the point of exhaustion, as Muir and Woodsworth did to find that perfect moment that will bring them ultimate happiness. It is only when they look back at that time in their life that they will realize how much joy that one memory has brought them time and time again when they needed it. William Woodsworth and John Muir both use connotation, tone, and imagery to show that nature is a beautiful thing that has brought them both happiness and memorable experiences. William Woodsworth uses positive tone, diction and imagery to portray how much he acknowledges the beauty of nature and how his memories influence his ecstasy.It seemed the most spiritual of all the flower people I had ever met. I sat down beside it and fairly cried for joy. Upon finding the Calypso Borealis, Muir uses a positive tone and expressive language to express his admiration for the flower, not solely because of its existence but also due to its survival, adventure, bloom and for being profound in the midst of that unwelcoming surroundings. The imagery of Calypso Borealis as a person develops an understanding of nature is inspiring. How long I sat beside Calypso I dont know. Hunger and weariness vanished. The author uses the metaphor to outline how staring at the flower gave him the strength to sustain hunger and refresh from exhaustion. He cannot even remember how much he sat next to the flower this displays the magnitude of love for the nature and the resulting influence t owards John Muir. William Woodsworths positive tone, diction, and imagery, as well as the positive connotation, demonstrates his joy while discussing his commemorations of nature and providing us such a vibrant image of the experience. I wandered lonely as a cloud that floats on high oer vales and hills, beside the lake, beneath the trees and Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Through the usage of the imagery, the author compares his loneliness to a floating cloud in the sky above the valley and hills. The comparison to a cloud, explains how close he is to nature. The cool breeze was whirling as the daffodils swayed slightly dancing merrily, this describes the exciting experience of the author on nature.The waves beside them danced, but they out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay. The connotation of dancing waves describes the natural pleasure and the happiness of the poet for being in such a charming company. The attractiveness of the sight gave him a lot of joy as his at tention had been captured by the view of beautiful flowers. The positive note adopted in describing the nature of the waves explains the positive attitude of the author. Through the remembrance of the daffodils, his heart would immediately be filled with pleasure and express it by dancing along with the lovely flowers. In conclusion, it is indeed true that William Woodsworth and John Muir adopted devices such as positive tone, diction, and imagery to express their happy memories of the perfect moments that they shared with nature. The stylistic tools play an essential role in adding weight and stressing the description of the relationship between the authors and nature. The two articles help in broadening the perspectives of the readers in relating the events by putting themselves in the shoes of the authors.

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